LARCH Individual
Learning Plan
Safe, Strong & Free
LARCH Schedule
LARCH Vision
The LARCH After-School program’s vision is that each child has the right to be “safe, strong, and free.”
The program encourages and enhances the healthy development of children; academically, by providing customized support and socially, by helping children deal with everyday life issues.
Not a drop-in program
We develop a Larch Individual Learning Plan (LILP) for each student according to their needs.
There is space for up to 27 students, grade 3 to 6 to be registered, with preference given to those who would most benefit from this program.
Parents and students make a commitment to participate in this program by signing a contract at the beginning of each year.
LARCH Schedule
Our program takes place
every Tuesday & Thursday
beginning in late September
and ending in early June.
3:10 – 3:35
Arrive at the Community House
for a free time
3:30 – 4:00
Healthy Snacks
4:00 – 5:00
Tutoring time in the areas of:
Guided Reading, Math (Number Talks), Creative Writing (Larch Young Authors’ Project) and C.P.R (Caring, Purpose Responsibility) chats
5:00 – 5:25
Indoor Games, Outdoor Games,
Sports, etc.
5:25 – 5:30
Parent Pick-up or student walks home
Would you like to support the
Larch After School Program?
You can donate through PayPal
or by E-Transfer
Send E-Transfer to finance.ehbc@rogers.com
Please indicate “Larch After School Program” in the note section provided
and password “larch”