Larch 20th Anniversary March for Larch Fundraiser
On behalf of The Larch After School Program, we want to show our appreciation of your generous donation to our recent walkathon. With your help we raised $10,500, which will go a long way in supporting our mission to increase the academic and social success of children between the ages of 8 and 14.
The last two years we have focused more on their social and emotional well-being and have seen tremendous growth in this area. As a result, their educational needs have soared as we have focused on their social and emotional struggles that came up.
Over the last year, our students have made significant progress. They produced a book filled with stories showing off their creativity. They have also shown improvement in math and reading skills, as well as social and emotional growth.
Thank you for your generosity and commitment to making a difference in the lives of these children.
LARCH Individual
Learning Plan
Safe, Strong & Free
LARCH Schedule
LARCH Vision
The LARCH After-School program’s vision is that each child has the right to be “safe, strong, and free.”
The program encourages and enhances the healthy development of children; academically, by providing customized support and socially, by helping children deal with everyday life issues.
Not a drop-in program
We develop a Larch Individual Learning Plan (LILP) for each student according to their needs.
There is space for up to 27 students, grade 3 to 6 to be registered, with preference given to those who would most benefit from this program.
Parents and students make a commitment to participate in this program by signing a contract at the beginning of each year.
LARCH Schedule
Our program takes place
every Tuesday & Thursday
beginning in late September
and ending in early June.
3:10 – 3:35
Arrive at the Community House
for a free time
3:30 – 4:00
Healthy Snacks
4:00 – 5:00
Tutoring time in the areas of:
Guided Reading, Math (Number Talks), Creative Writing (Larch Young Authors’ Project) and C.P.R (Caring, Purpose Responsibility) chats
5:00 – 5:25
Indoor Games, Outdoor Games,
Sports, etc.
5:25 – 5:30
Parent Pick-up or student walks home
Would you like to support the
Larch After School Program?
You can donate through PayPal
or by E-Transfer
Send E-Transfer to
Please indicate “Larch After School Program” in the note section provided
and password “larch”